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Use of a credit card for partial or full payments may give you protection.
Booking direct has many bells and whistles! If booking direct is your preference and you wish to do so with additional confidence knowing you have the protection of a scheme similar to abta or atol, you can have it both ways via several opportunities.
High Life accepts all major cards online to pay deposits and at the hotel for any other balances. Paying with a card may provide you protection. What’s more, this may be the case even if you only pay for part of your holiday by card and the remaining balance by another payment type. You may be covered by Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act when paying for anything by this method. Please search for “Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act” for the UK on the web to read more on the protections it offers and check with your card issuer. In summary it states that if you buy goods or services on your credit or debit card, you could have extra protection if things go wrong. Well worth the small cost of an extra credit card charge you may incur. Also, MasterCard and Visa operate a chargeback scheme that may generally pay out.
Buying travel insurance gives you even more protection:
If you have a travel insurance policy, you can have even more protection. Travel insurance is cheap and well worth the small cost per person. Plus, having a travel insurance is a good idea in case of health emergencies.